`Recently, a five star hotel in Chandigarh became the victim of online trolling when actor
Rahul Bose revealed that the hotel staff had charged him more than 400 bucks for two
bananas. He had attached a screenshot of the bill, which then went viral.
`Turns out, JW Marriott isn’t the only hotel which is guilty of overcharging
A Twitter user named Kartik Dhar took to the platform to share that he
had been charged 1700 bucks for two boiled eggs. No, we aren’t kidding
He attached a screenshot of the bill which clearly shows the amount
charged for the boiled eggs by the Four Seasons hotel in Mumbai.
In the tweet, Dhar writes, 2 eggs for Rs 1700 at the @FourSeasons
Mumbai. @RahulBose1 Bhai Aandolan karein?”